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As she learns from other creatures, she becomes the painted turtle. This enchanting story follows a newly hatched, green sea turtle on her journey as she makes her way south to warmer waters. Jeanne McIntosh Rietzke ’87 has a new children’s book coming out. Langdon Edmunds Oppermann ’70 was featured on Preservation Forsyth’s Facebook Page during Women’s History Month in March, which highlighted some of the dedicated women currently working in preservation in Forsyth County, NC. Willingham ’67 and her little dog (Miss Chevillette) have recently moved to The Presbyterian Home in Summerville. Her son and daughter live nearby, so she sees them and her grandsons often, which always brightens her day.Įllen T. Nancy Morton Dawson ’57 writes that in the last year, she has had a few health problems so she now goes to dialysis 3 times a week. Pictured above from left to right: Members of Ashley Hall’s Class of 1991, 1992, 2002, 20 gathered Friday, April 22 prior to Alumnae Weekend.

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